
What is Farm to Institution?

Farm to Institution is a transformative movement that supports schools, hospitals, colleges, and other institutions serve more locally sourced food—improving public health, creating opportunities for local farmers and fishers, and strengthening local food systems and economies.

The Maine Farm and Sea to Institution Network (MEFTI) fosters collective power through collaboration and coordination to strengthen Farm to Institution efforts in Maine.



The following set of core values drive our work here at Maine Farm to Institution:

  1. Equity and Collective Power: We are committed to undoing systemic inequities while prioritizing the voices of those most impacted. By fostering collaboration, peer-to-peer learning, and distributed leadership, we amplify innovation and create a food system that works for everyone.

  2. Public Health and Food Education: Access to fresh, local, and healthy food is a human right and vital to public health. Institutions act as leaders in educating communities about the importance of a strong local food economy and its role in building a healthier future.

  3. Resilience and Environmental Stewardship: A resilient food system depends on protecting Maine’s land, air, and water while supporting local economies. Institutions and local producers play a critical role in fostering adaptability and sustainability for future generations.

  4. Transparency and Accountability: Open access to information along the supply chain fosters trust, innovation, and positive change within the food system, empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions.

  5. A Thriving and Fair Food Economy: We envision a food system where workers receive fair wages, producers are equitably compensated, and local food is accessible and affordable to all, creating a just and thriving food economy.



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The role of MEFTI is to be a Farm to Institution network catalyst that does the following:

  • Connect, Convene, and Build Community

  • Collect, Disseminate & Discuss information, stories, and resources

  • Strategize & Advocate for a healthy, sustainable Maine food system

  • Collaborate with other food system partners and networks