Building Connections: Institutional Buyers & Local Producers Panel
In January of 2025, the Maine Farm & Sea to Institution Network (MEFTI), in collaboration with the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry (DACF), hosted a matchmaking event at the Annual Maine Agricultural Trades Show. This gathering brought together institutional buyers and local producers to strengthen and build these supply chain relationships.
The event featured a panel discussion where buyers and producers shared their experiences, challenges, and strategies for building successful partnerships. Watch the full panel discussion to learn more about the opportunities and challenges of strengthening local food procurement in Maine. We extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to the panelists for sharing their expertise and to all 70+ participants in making this event a success.
Amber Lambke – Maine Grains
Colleen Hanlon Smith – Peak Season
Mike Flynn – RSU 12, Kieve Wavus Education
Blair Andrews – Bumbleroot Farm
Maeve McInnis – MaineCourse by Sodexo
Maine Marinara Collaborative REPORT
Building on the priorities of the Maine Food Convergence Project, Processing Work Group, MEFTI, and other networks, the Maine Marinara Collaborative (MMC) increases processor and farmer capacity, addresses the economic benefits of local food, and establishes a foundation for increased purchasing of local and equitable product by Maine institutions.
2024-2027 strategic plan report
A big thank you to everyone who joined us in this strategic planning journey to help shape the future of Maine Farm to Institution and Maine Farm & Sea to School, two vital food system networks in our state! From here, these networks will dive into a new, combined structure for improved communications and boosted efficiency, enhancing the impact of our initiatives. Success depends on everyone's involvement and support, and we hope you’ll join us on this journey!
See the full strategic plan report below.
CSA Box Pilot Program
In 2022, Healthy Kids Healthy Future Maine led a CSA box pilot program that connected 10 ECE providers in Waldo County with local food products. The successful pilot experience showed opportunities for Maine.
In 2023, the pilot was expanded and adapted with grant funding from the Young Farmers Coalition’s Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network-Northeast (FRSAN-NE). This grant was awarded to the Maine Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Market Access and Inclusivity cohort hosted by MEFTI, which helped lead the second CSA box pilot program.
Click the button below to learn more about this project.
Maine Farm to Institution State Profile
Farm to Institution New England (FINE) compiled state profiles for each of the six New England states and released them in 2017. Maine's profile provides an overview of farm to institution statistics across three sectors: K-12, health care, and colleges & universities.
Report: Harvest of the Month Implementation in Maine
Maine Farm to Institution worked with researcher/author Danielle Walczak in 2017 to publish this report entitled "Harvest of the Month Implementation in Maine". The report includes a summary of key elements of existing Harvest of the Month programs in New England and considerations/recommendations for the implementation of a Harvest of the Month program in Maine.
REPORT: increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in central public health district food-serving institutions
Maine Farm to Institution (MEFTI), under the fiscal sponsorship of Healthy Communities of the Capital Area (HCCA), was contracted by the Central Public Health District (CPHD) to carry out one of the District Public Health Improvement Plan (DPHIP) Obesity Prevention Objectives. The specific project entailed assessing current levels of fruit and vegetable offerings in CPHD food-serving institutions, identifying any barriers to increased consumption of those offerings and, based on findings, forming an implementation plan to address any barriers. This report provides the summary of the findings of the project and recommendations.
videos and webinars
Learn about local food buying strategies for institutions